What's Happening!

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve updated the website and social media. The past two years have been a whirlwind of activity from building a new studio to getting married to becoming a mom. And now I have a moment to catch my breath, take my business off of autopilot, and engage once again with my passion for all things natural living and making that information available to anyone looking for it!

New Studio

Two years ago, on our family farm, I along with my husband and my father began construction on the new home for Mama Gaia Medicine, a 400 sq ft building made almost entirely from reclaimed materials sourced primarily from an old farmhouse and barn. In the spring of last year, the interior was mostly completed, and I began holding in-person yoga classes at the new location. Pregnancy slowed down any more progress on the building, both inside and out, but now as I move more comfortably into motherhood, I am able to start putting some of the finishing touches on the space.

The hundred-year-old floorboards show their age with their many chinks and gaps. The studio is off grid with no electricity or plumbing run. There is, however, a restroom with a simple composting toilet and hand sanitizer. And a generator provides electricity for AC in the hot summer months and a propane heater keeps the space toasty warm in the winter.

On occasion, I will hold class outside in the lawn where you’re sure to be greeted by dogs, cats, and guineas. Even from inside, the large picture windows allow you views of nature — bees, butterflies and hummingbirds flitting around the flowerbeds, the big blue sky, and sometimes (ok, a lot of the time) chickens making a ruckus.

Something else that might occasionally make a ruckus during class is my baby! I bring my daughter to most classes where she naps, watches from her own mat or my arms, or nurses after making a small fuss. I understand yoga with a baby in the room isn’t for everyone which is why I want to be sure everyone knows she’ll be in there, but, as babies go, she’s a pretty easy-going gal.

Holistic Wellness Consultations - Blood Work Analysis

I am now offering blood work analysis, an excellent tool for early detection of imbalances in the body. My analysis is different from what you would receive at the doctor’s office as I compare your numbers to optimal ranges, ensuring you and your organs are functional at their best, rather than conventional ranges used by most doctors and healthcare practitioners which compare your numbers to the average blood sample. The analysis includes recommendations to improve your numbers and a follow-up session can be scheduled to go over the analysis where I can coach you through how to implement the suggested changes. Learn more or purchase an analysis here or read my blog post.

With all the changes that have happened in my life the past three years, my creativity and inspiration has ebbed and flowed, my priorities have shifted and re-shifted, and I have finally arrived at a state of contentment with the way things are. I remember the first time I read the Tao Te Ching and contemplated the concepts of contentment and allowing and I am happy that I have entered into a season of life where I finally, more often than not, feel that. I know my priorities and offerings through the studio will continue to shift as life and my family changes, and I can’t wait to see what’s next!

You can join me Monday and Wednesday mornings at 9am for AyurHatha, Tuesday evenings at 6pm for Vinyasa, or Saturdays at 9am for Weekend Warrior. Check out the MGM YouTube channel. I hope to slowly return to a weekly upload schedule for the channel as well as for the premium version of what you will find on YouTube, Gaiadance, my online holistic school of wellness. These feature videos on native plants and herbs, yoga, astrology, and a variety of other alternative medicine and spirituality topics.

Be well everyone!


Prenatal Yoga Class

New Location COMING SOON!

New Location COMING SOON!