Blood Work Analysis


Blood work is a tool used in both allopathic and holistic health approaches to help discover the state of health on an individual. That is where the similarities end. Most healthcare providers use conventional ranges to read lab work. These ranges are based on the average lab results of Americans across the board — both healthy and unhealthy — thereby skewing those ranges as Americans get sicker and sicker with chronic and degenerative diseases. Holistic healthcare providers, including myself, decipher lab work using optimal ranges — ranges that tell you what your numbers would look like at optimal health. This helps discover imbalances in the body before they manifest as disease. For further information, check out my blog post, What are the Numbers Telling You?

what to expect from a Blood work analysis?

Whether you had blood work done at the doctor’s office or requested your own tests at an independent testing facility, I will take your blood work and look for numbers outside of the optimal ranges and then look for patterns in the numbers that indicate what may be going on in the body. These patterns can reveal developing metabolic issues, heart or liver concerns, vitamin deficiencies, and more.

Your analysis, sent to you via email, will include your out-of-range numbers, what they indicate, and a short recommendation of what you can do to help bring those numbers back into optimal ranges.

If you opt for the 30-minute follow-up session, we will discuss the analysis and I will help you create an actionable plan for you to realistically implement the recommendations given to you, helping you achieve success in your health goals!

Blood Work Analysis
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30-Min Blood Work Analysis Follow-Up
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